Fraternite Valleenne of Connecticut would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our supporters for their priceless support
Our last Fundraising Gala on June 15th this year was a remarkable success. We are very grateful for your presence at the fundraiser and your involvement either with the purchase, or the sales of the raffle tickets. We could not have done it without you!
Initially, the idea behind that particular 2012-2013 campaign was to accumulate enough funds to purchase an ambulance for La Vallée de Jacmel. Fortunately, the Haitian Government donated an ambulance to commemorate the annual parish celebration on June 24th . As a result, our group has decided to invest the fund collected toward the construction of a Community Center in the locality of Tuff. We already found someone who will donate the land for the center; we are in the process of recruiting an engineer that will volunteer to help us with all phases of the construction. We are very excited about this long term project. It will be another great success story; we invite all our contributors to be part of it.
Fraternite Valleenne of Connecticut, partnering with the New York Chapter, is working diligently to support all other projects in La Vallee as they arise. La Vallee de Jacmel continues to shine because of the caring, the love and generosity of faithful supporters of Fraternite Valleenne. Once again, we are thankful for your loyalty and dedication,
Victoire Legerme
N.B: Our next Fundraising event is on June 14th, 2014, please save the date!
Our sincere thanks to everyone who bought a raffle ticket to support Fraternite Valleenne of Connecticut project.
Special thanks to our supporters in Canada.
Here are the lucky winners of the June 15th , 2013 F.V of CT Raffle’s drawing.
Click here to visit F.V of Connecticut web site: