Fraternite Valleenne of New York- Committee's members
(First row, far left picture) Seated left to right: Aline Etienne, Louise & Joseph Lauture, Marie Calixte Labbe , Quenelle Roc, Camy Oge. Standing Left to right: Martin Boursiquot,Marlie Joseph, Roland Payen, Elourdes Lebrun, Hubert Boursiquot, , Warner Labbe, Florence Joseph, Laurent Payen, Joe Boursiquot, and Jude Augustin *************************************************************************** Fraternite Valleenne, Connecticut Chapter - Committee's members (Bottom row, far left picture) Here is FV of Connecticut New Committee members: Seated from left to right: Eva Joseph, Gisele Boursiquot, Victoire Rene-Legerme, Josette Cayo, Alice Payen-Decossard, Verone Lochard Standing from left to right: Paul Labbe, Jean David, Jacques Rene, Serge Lochard, Jamille Aime, Frantz Lauture. ****************************************************************** How to Contact Fraternite Valleenne: PHONE: 718 380-5641 EMAIL: MAIL: Fraternite Valleenne PO BOX 275 Cambria Heights Station Jamaica, New York 11411 Fraternite Valleenne Executive Committee President: Marie Calixte Labbe Vice - President: Marlie Joseph Treasurer: Luc Gilles Assistant treasurer: Camy Oge Secretary: Jude Augustin Assistant Secretary: Florence Joseph Coordinator: Joseph Lauture Advisors: Laurent Payen Huber Boursiquot Joe Boursiquot Roland Payen Alphonse Lauture &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Fraternite Valleenne of Connecticut Executive Committee President: Victoire Rene Legerme Vice - President: Serge Lochard Treasurer: Alice Payen Decossard Assistant treasurer: Verone Lochard Secretary: Frantz Lauture Assistant Secretary: Eva Joseph Coordinators: Josette Cayo Jacques Rene Advisors: Jamille Aime Jean David Paul Labbe Gisele Boursiquot &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Fraternite Valleenne in a nutshell Fraternite Valleenne Inc. is a recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization operating in New York City since its establishment in 1976. Its primary purpose is to promote education and healthcare, and encourage community development of La Vallee de Jacmel, Haiti. All members are volunteers who donate their time, talents, and resources to help promote this worthy cause. The committee meets face to face or via conference calls on average every 6 weeks, to brainstorm, plan, review correspondence, and address La Vallee’s related issues. Meetings are held mostly on Saturdays from 6 to 9:30 PM. Executive committee members are elected for 2 years, and there are no term limits. Decisions are made by a simple majority vote. The organization is transparent, and members are very careful in the management of its funds. Membership is opened to anyone who meets our standard requirements. For more info please talk to a member, request a copy of FV bylaws, or attend one of our meetings. If you’re thinking about joining us, give it a try, you’ll be glad you did! We encourage Haitians wherever they may be to keep the spirit of solidarity alive; Fraternite Valleenne is waiting for your involvement. Join today! Contact US: Fraternite Valleenne P.O BOX 275| Cambria Heights Station| Jamaica, New York 11411| Phone: (718) 380-5641 || Email: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart”. (Elizabeth Andrew) |